Bread Making 101

I’m going to admit, although I’m a huge foodie, my true passion doesn’t isn’t cooking but baking!  It started when I was a kid, baking chocolate chip cookies in my parent’s kitchen – my family loved when I baked!  So

Sushi for beginners

My good friend Designwali mentioned to me that her kids have recently been talking about wanting to try sushi.  So I decided to invite them over for a Japanese-themed dinner with sushi and “temaki – handrolls”.  In addition to ordering

Girls Night Out!

I’m taking a break from my Japan series for this post, its not every day that my really close circle of girlfriends get together just to chill and celebrate!  My friend B and her husband just bought their first house

Homemade Granola

Over the weekend I was challenged to go the next 30 days without consuming any processed sugar (i.e. white sugar, brown sugar or corn syrup, etc.).  Sugar is in practically everything we eat, especially if you eat a lot of

Milk Chocolate Pistachio Tart

What goes great with wine and cheese – chocolate, of course!  I scoured my many cookbooks for a dessert recipe that incorporated chocolate and found this milk chocolate pistachio tart in Martha Stewart’s Pies & Tarts cookbook.  I needed a

Hot Out of the Oven…

Some of my girlfriends and I take turns every few months to host a wine and cheese, its an excuse for us to all get together to drink wine and try some interesting cheeses.  This time, its my turn!  So