Japan 2012: Wagyu

Being from Canada, I thought Canadian beef (especially Angus) was top notch – and don’t get me wrong, it is good….but after tasting some Japanese wagyu beef, Angus may just be my runner up!  The flavour you taste from the fatty wagyu is unbelievable, it almost melts in your mouth – that’s how tender it is.  My friend M, along with her husband and daughter suggested meeting up at Ebisu station in Tokyo and go for some “yakiniku” which literally translates to BBQ beef.  With the popularity of everything “Korean” these days in Japan, Korean BBQ is everywhere!  This particular restaurant was located in Yebisu Garden Place – a popular area to go for drinks/dinner (also houses the Yebisu brewery), with a scenic view of Tokyo.

Wagyu Lunch Set

BBQ-ing some Wagyu - take a look at all the marbling!

Yebisu Garden Place




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