Japan 2016: Mister Donut

Japan 2016: Mister Donut

The Japanese love their donuts and one of the largest chains in Japan is Mister Donut.  No longer existing in North America you can only get Mister Donut donuts in Asia and they have created flavours specific to the Asian

Singapore 2016: The Providore

Singapore 2016: The Providore

First morning in Singapore after being on 2 flights and a total of 19 hours I was craving for some good coffee and fresh food.  With the help of my trusty Lonely Planet guidebook we ended up at The Providore

Sugar Loaf Bakery

Sugar Loaf Bakery

Yesterday, on a gorgeous summer Sunday, a few friends and I decided to hit up a relatively new bakery called Sugar Loaf Bakery in an up and coming Toronto neighborhood of Riverside.  A beautiful interior (the ceiling is partially lined



So this hasn’t been my first time to Maman however, it is for brunch and if you love French country cuisine, this is the place.  With two large wooden family tables, the seating is communal style which is perfect for

Croatia: Pekarna Dalmatinka

For some reason, everywhere I went in Croatia and no matter which bakery I was in, taking photos was forbidden.  A lot of these bakeries don’t have an online presence so perhaps its a way to fight off the competition,

Pula: Sunday Market

Early Sunday morning after exploring the beautiful Roman Amphitheatre, we stumbled upon a market located just outside the entrance to the amphitheatre and you know me, I had to check it out.  Well, it was a total score!  We discovered

Croatia: U Prolazu

You all are going to think I’m crazy but what I failed to mention in my previous post about the true reason for starting the Croatian road trip in Samobor is because of my hunt to find this: the kremsnite.

Monastery Bakery & Deli

Monastery Bakery & Deli

I have heard on multiple occasions from multiple friends about Monastery Bakery & Deli in Oakville, Ontario.  So after a morning stand-up paddle session, my teammates and I took a “field trip” out to Monastery Bakery for coffee and a

Life is Sweet – A Cupcake House

Life is Sweet – A Cupcake House

After a beautiful Sunday morning OC1 (outrigger canoe) paddle session, We decided to hit the Toronto Beaches’ high street, Queen St. East for a morning coffee.  There’s a bakery that I’ve been following on Instagram for awhile and wanted to

Baka Gallery Cafe

Baka Gallery Cafe

I haven’t seen my friend M in a few months and its been just as long since I’ve ventured into her neighborhood of Bloor West Village.  Upon her recommendation, we decided to hit a up Baka Gallery Cafe, a local