Japan 2016: MOLLette
Mollette Kitchen, a restaurant located in the Isetan department store in Kyoto’s JR Station, specializes in omu-rice. This dish, as the name may suggest, is a combination of an egg omelette stuffed with fried rice. But not just any fried rice, one that is tomato sauce based and then topped with more tomato sauce. It might seem like a unique combination but its really taking the egg out of the typical fried rice dish and using it to envelope it instead. When growing up, my mom would make this dish quite often as we would always have leftover day-old white rice which is perfect for making fried rice. However, the homestyle version, or at least my family’s version of omu-rice is made with ketchup – a substitute for tomato sauce which, when you’re a kid, can’t be any better…..it gives the dish a bit of sweetness (can you tell I love ketchup, I mean I can’t eat mac and cheese without it!). Definitely worth a try and easy to make at home!

The many dishes on the menu at Mollette.

Mollette Kitchen

The omu-rice dish at Mollette, topped with tomato sauce.

Omu-rice filled with tomato sauce fried rice.
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