Caribbean Bistro

I have a group of Japanese family friends where the parents would always get together at parties and BBQs and naturally, the kids would as well – so we all sort of grew up together.  As we all went to

My Mom’s Kalbi

Ever since my parents downsized to a condo, we don’t have the luxury of being able to BBQ in the backyard.  So when my mom suggested doing BBQ for the first time at the condo and grilling her famous kalbi

Burger Day!

Two weeks ago, it was burger week in Toronto where participating restaurants created their own unique burger to be put on their menus for just $5.  But the best part of burger week is Burger Day – the final day

My Favourite Home Baker!

Although I love food, baking is more my passion!  And one of my favourite home baker is my friend P!  And I know that whenever my Greek friends call for a get together, the chances are P will be baking

Trader Joe’s

If you’re a lover of grocery stores like I am, you will love Trader Joe’s!  I will admit, I love going to grocery stores and aimlessly walking through aisles especially when I’m on travelling on vacation.  There’s so much you

Goodies from the U.S.

Over the long weekend, my girlfriends’ and I decided to take a bit of a road trip to upstate New York.  We drove from Toronto to Rochester and the region southwest of Rochester called the Finger Lakes!  For me, New