My comfort food
I’m doing all I can to fight this cold I have – its slowly moved from a sore throat to a runny nose and now a cough. When I feel run down and need warmth, I turn to some of my favourite comfort foods to warm me up from the tummy out. Tonight, its ramen. Most of you are familiar with ramen as something you survive on through university – quick, instant and easy to make – the Kraft Dinner of Asia. For as long as I can remember, my family has been eating ramen (homemade and instant) and in Japan you can get a quick and delicious ramen bowl from any noodle house/stand – the broth made fresh. Here’s my version (no homemade broth but still good on a cold night). Why not try it at home sometime – when you’re cooking up some instant ramen, add an egg to the boiling water! Enjoy!

My comfort food - hot ramen noodle soup with egg!
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