London: Social Eating House
So when I was doing research on what restaurants to hit in London, the Social Eating House appeared on a number of “Top” lists. Of course, this meant I needed to try it out! Located in SOHO on a small street just south of Oxford street. The restaurant had a great vibe, relaxed with big leather banquettes. The food was fantastic with well thought out combination of ingredients. I must say though, the best part of the meal was the dessert! As a kid, I loved fig newtons so when I saw BBQ black fig with a fig roll on the dessert menu, I just had to have it! How can anyone resist homemade fig newtons? It was delicious with muscat grapes, balsamic ice cream and sugared tarragon leaves. However, the best dessert of the night has to go to the PBJ cherryade parfait with peanut ice cream and cherry jam donuts! If you love peanut butter and jelly, this is the dessert for you! Check out our meal!
This looks great! I've been meaning to check this place out for awhile now. X