Iceland: Grillmarkadurinn
After reading about Iceland and some of their unique cuisine, well you know I had to at least give them a try. One of the items is horse and when you’re driving around the country you see plenty of sheep and horses roaming and feeding off the land. If you look closely, their horses look different than those you find in North America – they’re a bit more stockier and smaller in frame, almost like a pony but larger and can be taken horseback riding. So when we arrived in Reykjavik, I was on a mission to try horse. Our host recommended Grillmarket (or in Icelandic, Grillmarkadurinn). A bit hidden from the street, the restaurant has a great vibe – and a log cabin type of feel. The lounge is great for a few drinks! I tried Borg here, another icelandic beer – a lighter beer with a bit of sweetness, similar to a cider (by far, my favourite beer in Iceland!). The horse tenderloin was tasty! Nicely charred on the outside and medium rare on the inside. The meat was really lean. All in all, it tasted very similar to beef 🙂 The puffin and whale were pretty good too! Because they were in slider form, I think the flavour and texture were hidden. One of my favourite items was the bread board with the black lava salt! It truly was fantastic, so much so, I bought a couple of jars to bring home 🙂

Having a glass of Borg – a great tasting beer that has a tinge of sweetness, almost reminded me of cider.

A close up of one of the mini burgers – I can’t tell which one this was 🙂 nonetheless, they were all tasty!
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